$3.3 Million Was Awarded For An Amusement Park Accident Settlement

Millions of people every year flock to amusement parks for fun and recreation. But sometimes, accidents happen. 

theme park ride accidents

It’s a parent’s worst fear; that their child will get injured in an amusement park ride accident. But unfortunately, it happens. 

One Such Case Led To A $3.3 Million Settlement In California

In this particular case, which occurred back in 2008, 23 children suffered injuries while riding a ride called the “Yo-Yo” at a California county fair. The ride twirled riders in swing-like seats that were suspended with chains, all attached to a large hydraulic cylinder that spun them around and around. 

But on this particular day, something snapped while the ride was operating. The chairs crashed to the ground while the Yo-Yo continued to spin—dragging the riders along the ground until the ride was stopped. Some of the children got tangled up in the chains, which lead to several injuries; some of them serious. 

One of the children, a 14-year-old girl, suffered the worst injuries of all during the incident. She suffered severe head trauma. Doctors have reported that this head trauma was responsible for severe learning disabilities which changed the girl’s life forever. 

There was a lawsuit filed, and a $3.3 million settlement was paid to the family whose daughter (along with their 3 other children) were injured on the ride. As it turned out, the owner of the ride had neglected vital maintenance on the hydraulics. If this maintenance had not been neglected, the incident could have been prevented. 

This settlement helped the family through the tragic circumstances of the injury, pain, suffering, and loss that they suffered. It also helped them to move on from the tragedy of the injuries their children suffered. They struggled with medical bills, and would have lost their home had it not been for the settlement.

This is why it is so important to seek fair compensation if you’ve suffered from an amusement park accident or injury. 

You Deserve Fair Compensation For The Pain And Suffering Caused By Your Accident

Here’s the thing.

Amusement parks are fun. But they’re also filled with rides (roller coasters, spinning rides, bumper cars, etc.) that could potentially be dangerous—especially if safety protocols aren’t followed. Thousands of injuries happen each year at such parks—ranging from cuts, to bruises, to broken bones, to severe head trauma; and sometimes, such accidents can even be fatal. 

These types of injuries are no joke, and they shouldn’t be ignored. 

According to statistics, approximately 8,800 people were injured on amusement park rides back in 2006. These were serious enough injuries that they required emergency room treatment. If you or a loved one has ever found yourself in this type of situation, where the negligence of safety standard violations led to an injury, then you deserve fair compensation. 

Reaching Out To A Lawyer Doesn’t Cost Anything

Some people think that getting a lawyer is an expensive process. But that’s not true, especially if you have a legitimate claim on your hands. The best way to figure out if you may have a case is to reach out to a lawyer and see about starting your claim. The attorney can tell you if you have a legitimate claim. And if you do, no money is required to start the process. 

Unfortunately, getting fair compensation without a lawyer is basically impossible. This is why the US legal system makes it possible to file lawsuits and claims when negligence leads to pain, suffering, injury, and loss.

In Conclusion – Don’t Settle For Anything Less Than Fair Compensation

If you’ve suffered an amusement park injury, reach out and talk to a specialized personal injury attorney today to start your claim. It won’t cost you anything, and it may change your life.