Earn Six Figures Online With Your Own Website! Start Now!

For some, it sounds like a pipe dream. But it isn’t. 

After 10+ successful years in this business, I can tell you that there are basically 3 ways to earn money online… and I’ve seen each of them work extremely well. Find out how to make money online with our tips:

The truth is that anyone can do this. And the only real requirements to start are that you…

  • Have a website
  • Have an email address
  • Have a willingness to learn, grow, and adapt

This is where a lot of people fail. They just don’t start. 

They dream about a future where they can leave their 9 to 5 behind, and pursue their own destiny. But then, the nerves get in the way, and they end up letting it go. 

In this post, I’m going to share how you can start any one of these 3 types of businesses, and be wildly successful at them. 

Let’s dive in. 

The First Type Of Business – Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is basically a type of business where you start a website with a blog, and write posts to help people find the perfect products for their needs. 

You would want to choose a niche that you love, and then write ‘top 10’ posts or product reviews for products within that niche. 

For example… maybe your passion is horseback riding. 

Well, you can start a blog about horseback riding, and then tell your readers about the types of products you love the most for taking care of your horses. 

When your readers click through and buy those products, you earn a commission! 

The key to making affiliate marketing work is to post, post, post useful content! You also need to use SEO to bring organic traffic onto your blog from Google. 

I’ve worked with people who literally made $4,000 a month, and MORE through affiliate marketing! 

How do you start? Get a domain name, get some hosting, start a WordPress website and a blog in your favorite niche, and go from there! 

The Second Type Of Business – Authority Marketing

Authority marketing is very similar to affiliate marketing, except that you are marketing information instead of physical products. 

Here’s the difference. People who sell saddles and bridles on their site and earn commissions on the sales are affiliate marketers. 

But the people who teach you how to make money affiliate marketing are actually authority marketers. 

Dating coaches, business coaches, guitar instructors, etc. All of these types of people can make big money in authority marketing. 

The big challenge with this business is that you need to create your own courses and products to sell. Also, information products are a bit harder to sell coming out of the gate. 

But then, it’s really just the same thing… except your profit margins are far bigger than they are with affiliate marketing. 

You start off with a website. Get a domain, get hosting, start a WordPress blog, and post, post, post as you build up organic web traffic. 

As your readership expands, and as you publish super-useful content to help them with their problem, you will eventually get to where people will buy your products and courses.

Why? Because you are an authority in your niche!

The Third Type Of Business – Freelancing

As you are building your authority or affiliate site, you will need to learn three very vital skills. 

  1. Copywriting/Content Writing
  2. Search Engine Optimization/Marketing
  3. WordPress Development

If you are like most people, you will start to excel in at least one of them. 

So why not make some money in the interim by placing a ‘hire me’ button on your website, and freelance out to help other people with your newly acquired skill?

Once again, all you need to start this hustle is a website that you can showcase your skills on. It doesn’t even have to be a dedicated freelance site. 

As long as your site looks awesome, you can get clients who will want to hire you to do the same thing for them! 

Boom. That’s money in your pocket that will help you to quit your 9 to 5 and work on your own business, on your own terms!Â