Up To $8 Million Awarded For Paintball Injury Lawsuits

Paintball is a fun pastime, enjoyed by millions of people all over the world. But it can also be dangerous. 

paintball injury

While playing paintball, players use guns powered by pressurized carbon monoxide to shoot paint-filled bullets at speeds of up to 200 miles per hour. The game is appealing because it simulates military combat—but it can also be extremely dangerous, especially if faulty equipment is being used, or if safety concerns are being ignored by the game organizers. 

It’s also possible that another player can act negligently, or even perpetrate intentionally violent acts toward other participants. Being shot at close range, for example, can put you at serious risk of injury. 

If you or a family member has been injured playing paintball, then you may be entitled to financial compensation. 

Here’s the thing. Paintball is supposed to be an enjoyable sport. But all too often, injuries can occur. There are big safety concerns with paintball, mostly related to the high-contact nature of the activity and the safety features of the equipment.  

How Is Paintball Dangerous?

For every 100,000 people who play paintball, an estimated 20 to 45 injuries occur. These injuries can be minor; consisting of cuts, bruises, and welts. Or, they can be more serious. Eye injuries, ear injuries, and even fatal injuries are, unfortunately, not unheard of in the sport. 

Examples Of Paintball Injuries

Eye injuries are one of the primary concerns with paintball. In fact, an estimated 85% of all paintball accidents and injuries are eye-related. Some examples of eye injuries that can occur while participating in paintball include hyphemas, vitreous hemorrhages, cataracts, corneal abrasions, retinal detachments, and commotio retina. Some of these conditions are serious and can result in blindness. 

But eye injuries aren’t the only concern.

In 2004, a warning was issued about paintball guns following two deaths that involved detachable carbon dioxide canisters. In one of these cases, a teenage boy died after he was struck in the head by a pressurized carbon dioxide cylinder he was trying to remove from the paintball gun while it was still under pressure.  

In another case, a woman was struck in the back of the head by a paintball gun canister in a similar accident. She died, and her husband filed a lawsuit with the paintball gun manufacturer. The gun manufacturer settled out of the case for $8 million. 

Have You Or A Loved One In Your Family Been Injured While Participating In Or Spectating A Paintball Event?

If so, and if you can prove that there was negligence involved which led to the injury, then you probably have grounds for a legal case. Some paintball injuries are the result of a defective product. But some are caused by intentionally violent acts on the part of other players, or by negligent safety standard protocols. 

In any case; if you’ve been injured playing paintball, you should reach out and contact a personal injury attorney immediately. You may be entitled to financial compensation for negligence or a lapse in safety standards. 

Talking To An Attorney Is Easy And Doesn’t Cost Anything

Reaching out to a personal injury lawyer is the first step in filing your claim and getting your compensation. Some people are afraid to take this step, because they think that they’ll need a huge lump-sum of money to hire a lawyer. 

But this isn’t true at all. If you’ve endured pain, suffering, loss, and/or damages as the result of a paintball injury, then it doesn’t cost anything to reach out to a lawyer to see if you might have a case. 

A lawyer is your best chance at getting the fair compensation you deserve for your injuries and damages. Â