Up To $2 Million Can Be Awarded In Swimming Pool Injury Lawsuits

Swimming pools are fun. But they can also be dangerous. 

This is evidenced by the 390 deaths per year, on average, that occur in swimming pools in the United States. 

Swimming pool accidents can happen in any size or type of pool. They can even happen in spas. 

But what many people don’t realize is that you may be entitled to financial compensation if you’ve experienced a pool-related injury. You may also be entitled to financial compensation if you’ve lost a loved one due to drowning in a swimming pool. 

Here’s what you need to know. 

How Much Can You Get In A Pool Injury Lawsuit?

You can experience a number of different accidents and injuries in a pool. And the type and severity of the injury will determine the size of the payout or settlement. 

In one case, a family visited a motel with a pool. Their 9-year-old daughter went swimming, and was later found unresponsive at the deep end of the pool. The father tried to resuscitate her, but was unsuccessful. The family ended up suing the motel for liability and negligence. Their reasoning was that there was no rope or marker dividing the shallow end from the deep end. In addition to this, there were so many flotation devices on the surface of the water that she was unable to surface once she went underwater. The family settled out of court and was paid $850,000. 

In another case, an 11-year-old boy visited a pool with his volleyball team. He ended up drowning and was unable to be resuscitated. The pool was at a private club, and the boy’s family sued the club for failing to provide a safe environment. There were no markings on the pool, and no lifeguard on duty. The case was settled for $750,000. 

In another case, a young boy who couldn’t swim was taking part in a gym class to learn the fundamentals of swimming. He was instructed to practice in the deep end, wasn’t monitored, and drowned. The family sued the school for not having a lifeguard, not paying attention to the students, not assessing the student beforehand, and more. The school settled out of court for $2 million. 

These are all tragic examples of fatal swimming pool injuries and negligence. And rightfully, in each case, the families were compensated according to the law for their loss, pain, and suffering. 

No amount of money can bring back a loved one or undue the damage caused by an accident. But in such cases, you are entitled to financial compensation. And in order to get your claim, you need to talk to a personal injury attorney.

What Kinds Of Accidents Can Occur In A Swimming Pool?

Have you experienced sprains, concussions, traumatic brain injuries, broken bones, nerve damage, internal damages, closed head injuries, paralysis, or a coma as a result of a pool accident? Has a loved drowned or almost drowned due to negligence? If so, then you may have a case; and it is important for you to reach out to a lawyer to discuss the possibility of filing a claim. 

Is Talking To A Lawyer Expensive?

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to have a lot of money to talk to an attorney about a swimming pool accident. In fact, it doesn’t cost anything to reach out and start the process. If you have a case, the lawyer usually handles it for a percentage of the settlement; meaning that you won’t have to pay anything to get the process taken care of. 

The most important thing is that you reach out and talk to a legal specialist as soon as possible. If you’ve experienced a pool injury, or if a loved one has suffered a wrongful death due to negligence or oversight, then you deserve legal financial compensation. But you won’t get it unless you talk to a lawyer.Â